The football summer camp for children in Spain!

Sunny Spain is famous with mild climate and beaches and , of course, is associated with the best world football clubs! Football is a national kind of sport for the spanish people. Most of the local boys and girls are trained in special football schools and academies, but also year-round playing the ball on the beach and in the yards. It is not surprising that Spain is the birthplace of many famous football players!

photo football camp fun shop

The Sport Planet Company again holds a Spanish football camp at the Sea which called “Ola! Barcelona”! We make it in cooperation with the Atletic Sant Just football club. The club is situated only in 500 meters from FC Barcelona Academy which gives many coaches to FC Atletic club. All the training will be hold with english-speaking assistant. All the coaches are licensed by UEFA and have many years of experience working with children of different age groups. “Ola! Barcelona” football camp will be hold in Barcelona from June, 21th to August, 1st 2021 in 3 turns of 13 days.

photo football camp meeting

The Sport Planet football camp constantly use the best Catalan coaches, who works in the best football academies. All these conditions allow us to organize the training process of the highest level.
One of the indisputable advantages of the Sport Planet football camps is the using of a system of analyzing the capacity of children. The children are tested using modern electronic equipment and video analysis of their games and test exercises.

Barca camp in aquapark

After the tests we recieve all the information about technical errors of a child and about his physical possibilities. Parents will recieve our recommendations of the further development of the child on the real scientific base.

The place where we organize our camp:

The children will stay at the four-star City Hotel Sant Just in Barcelona within walking distance from the stadium. The field has an artificial turf. The children go to the pool and have snacks and lunch between training sessions. The daily program has three basic training sessions, independent work with the ball and theoretical lessons. We will not only teach children to see the game and improve their technique, but also train persistence, to work hard and get the goal in the process of training!

photo football camp Camp Nou

Our boys and girls, in addition to training, will have a tour of Barcelona, will rest on the beach, visit to the legendary Camp Nou stadium, La Fantasia water park!
Our sports football camp will allow children to feel confident in their abilities, will let their leadership grow up. Give your child a trip to hospitable Spain and the best summer soccer training by sending him to the “Ola! Barcelona” football camp!

How to get to our football camp?

We propose to the clients several methods how to get to Barcelona to our football camp:

  1. As part of one of several organized groups from Tallinn, Riga, Saint Petersburg or Moscow. It is also possible to pick up your child from other cities, this should be discussed with our manager.
  2. Our employee can meet your child upon arrival at the airport and bring to the camp. The return transfer is carried out in the same way.
  3. You can get to Barcelona by your own way, and we will send a car for you.




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Summer football camp in Spain «Ola, Barcelona-2021»!!, 7.1 out of 10 based on 50 ratings
Barcelona, City Hotel Sant Just 4** and FC Atletic Sant Just stadium
Number of turns:
3 turns of 13 days
Children's age:
Boys and girls of 7-15 years old, separated into the different age groups
2-3 persons a room with all facilities
4 times a day
3 training sessions a day per 1-1,5 hrs
Waterpool and the sea every day, Barcelona city seeing tour, Camp Nou, La Fantasia aquapark
2 sets of uniform. Diploma and souvenir.
Turn/Date Cost
1 turn
21/06/2021 — 04/07/2020
1310 €
(1350 € when paid after 01/04/2021)
2 turn
05/07/2021 — 18/07/2021
1310 €
(1350 € when paid after 01/04/2021)
3 turn
19/07/2021 — 01/08/2021
1310 €
(1350 € when paid after 01/04/2021)
Only training sessions
21/06/2021 — 01/08/2021
490 €
(520 € when paid after 01/04/2021)
58 places available from 65 Reservation
The flight is not included in the price!

There are special group with our coaches which will depart from Tallinn, Riga, St. Petersburg and Moscow. If you want to send your child in this group - just specify this in the application.
Approximate schedule for the day

7.30 – Wake up
8.00 – Breakfast
9.00 - 10.30 – 1st training session
11.00 - Snacks
11.30 – 13.00 - 2nd training session
13.30 – Waterpool
15.00 – Lunch
16.00 – 17.00 - 3rd training session
17.30 – 19.30 - shopping, walking, waterpool
20.00 – Dinner
20.30 – 21.30 – Free time
22.00 - Time to sleep
You have a discount in case:

- 2 children will com from one family (brothers) – 5%
- 2 children from the same team – 3%
- 5 children from the same team – 7%
- you are regular customer - 10%
Discounts are not cumulative. You must be our subscriber and repost from our any social network group on your page in order to get a discount. Regular customers should make a review on our website.
The Only training package includes: 3 training sessions a day, uniform, snacks and lunches, diploma and souvenir. You should bring your child in the morning and take him after last session.
Possibilities for parents:

All the parents can order the accommodation at the same hotel. The parents can see the training sessions and allowed to go to all children activities. All children younger than 8 years old should have an accompanying adult nearby. All the children live separately from parents.

The costs for the hotel for parents:
990* (1040) - euro per person in double room with half board,
1290* (1350) - euro per person in single room with half board.
Tickets to the children activities are not included.

* - prices available till 01/04/2021

Coaching staff

Maxim Kramarenko coach photo

Maxim Kramarenko

Over than 20-years experience of work with different level teams. 2006-2012 - head coach of U11 FC Zenit academy, 2015-2017 - youth coordinator of FC Infonet academy, Tallinn Estonia. Took part many times in clinics at the academies of FC Barcelona, Ajax, Juventus, Schalke 04, Monaco, Sampdoria. Some players are in National teams of different countries.
Tulskikh Sergey coach of the Sport Planet Football Camp

Sergey Tulskikh

C UEFA license. A former player "Krylatskoe" Moscow, FC Dinamo Moscow , FC Torpedo Moscow. Studied in the Moscow Teacher University as physical culture teacher. Since 2014 he is a coach in amateur clubs FC Iskra, Fc Spartak, FC Rauft. Individual trainings with kids and promotion to the top clubs of Moscow!
Arnau Blanco Moreno coach spain photo

Arnau Blanco Moreno

Arnau is a very ambitious coach. At the moment he is a head coach of Atletic Sant Just. UEFA Pro license. Since 2014 he is coach and coordinator of FC Barcelona in local and International football camps. Studied in the Vic university as specialist of physical culture and sport science.
Alex Sebrian coach photo

Alex Sebrian Clavera

Former player of FC Barcelona B. Studied at the Ramon Llul university as a sport and science specialist. UEFA B license. Take part in FC Barcelona football camps in USA, Canada, Spain, Norway and Denmark. Coordinator of training in Atletic Sant Just teams under-14.

43 thoughts on “Summer football camp in Spain «Ola, Barcelona-2021»!!

  1. Roman

    Good afternoon! My name is Roman, I’m a football coach in Penza city, and I want to bring my players under 2002-2003 to a children football camp. It is interesting the price per person for your camp, how many days it takes and hotel facilities ?

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    • Shevket | «Sport Planet Football Camp»

      Hello Roman!
      We have a special offer for football coaches! We have already sent it by your mail you specified.
      Thanks for taking into the look of our camps!

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  2. Roman

    Hello, Im Roman! I’m 14 years old and I play as goalkeeper! Could you please describe the training sessions for goalkeepers?

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  3. Artem

    Hello, Im 15 years old! Can I come to your camp?
    And how you divide all the kids? All of them has different level

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Good day Artem!
      You can come. All the children will be divided by ages and skills level. But, first of all, the camp is not a football team – there is not a goal of teaching to play under positions. We make a camp for individual technical skills improving and individual and group tactic learning!

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  4. Eugeny

    Hello! I live in Bulgaria and I want to come to the summer camp Barcelona. How much will the turn cost if I get to Barcelona on my own?

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    • Shevket | «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Good evening, Eugene!
      Thank you for your interest in Sport Planet football camps!

      The cost of a transfer to the camp is not included in the price of the tour, therefore – book a tour and come to our camp base. You will be met and brought up to date, at the highest level!

      We are waiting in our football camp! By the way, we have a lot of camps this summer!

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  5. Ekaterina

    Hello. We are from Yekaterinburg. We have several questions: will be organized groups from our city? can you join them? if we pay for a voucher without accommodation, is it possible to rent a house near the camp (within walking distance)? or in the same hotel with children? Is it possible to stay with a child (8 years old) in the camp? is it possible to order a transfer?

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    • Shevket | «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Good afternoon, Ekaterina!
      Thank you for your interest in our football camps!

      I will try to answer in as much detail as possible:
      1. We are sending an organized group from Yekaterinburg, yes. You should hurry up with booking a tour, as we will be reserve group tickets soon.
      2. Yes, you can pay for the voucher and live near the camp or book through us, or personally, rooms in the boarding house.
      3. We organize a transfer from Krasnodar to Abrau-Dyurso, if your child is there, we can meet him. If you are with your child, we can book a transfer for you.

      For any additional questions – you can call our support line – 8 921 891 79 40 (All calls are FREE), or leave a comment here.

      All the best, we are expecting for you in our football camps!

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  6. Shevket | «Sport Planet Support Service»

    Yes, most likely there will be coaches from Barcelona in Crimea! If you were in our camps in 2015, you know how strong is the program in our camps.
    We specialize in football camps, we have huge experience and we have an excellent coaching staff.

    We highly recommend that your child visit our autumn camp in St. Petersburg. There will be great coaches from Ajax who have a lot of experience. You will be amazed at how much your child can improve their skill in just a week!

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  7. Marina

    Good afternoon! Im interested to find out the costs for football camp in Barcelona «OLA, Barca!» on summer 2016.

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    • Shevket | «Sport Planet Support Service»

      We have no enough information about the rates next summer. Wait couple of weeks please!

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  8. Oleg

    Hello, I’m 13 and I would like to visit next summer your football camp “Club OLA Barcelona” – 2016. Tell me please what was a price this camp in 2015?

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  9. Nikolay Nikolayevich

    Good day!My name is Nikolay Nikolayevich, Im a football coach in the Pskov region, Im very interested to bring my players of 2004 age born to the sport camp. What is the price per person, how many days a turn, all conditions..

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Good day Nikolay Nikolayevich! Everything is possible regarding this question. I will reply you personally via email

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  10. Andrey

    Hello. I would like to know terms and costs of trip in Greece for a child of 7 years old.

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Good day Andrey! We will post announce with prices soon. There will be around 500 eur in Russia and about 700 eur for 12 days in Greece. There are already dates of every turn in the announcements.

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  11. Alexander

    When will be turn with goalkeeper’s trainings?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Goalkeeper coach will work every turn.

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  12. Elena

    Good evening. Tell me the cost of a trip for one turn in July. Child 7 years old with one adult. Thank you.

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Hello! The cost of a trip for a turn is 460 eur, an adult’s accommodation is 380 eur.

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  13. Andrey

    Hello. My son and I come on vacation from July 8th to August 2nd. Tell me how much it will cost only training without accommodation and everything else just training..

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      We have answered to your e-mail

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  14. Polina

    Good afternoon!
    Was there a camp in Spain this summer?
    Will be an announcement for the summer of the 2017?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Good day, Polina!
      This summer we have hold only football camp in Crimea. There are announces for 2017 in Spain and Crimea on the website at the moment!

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  15. Marina

    Can you please tell me if there is a summer football camp in June or August 2017? And tell please how much it will cost for a child of 7 years and an accompanying person?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Hello Marina, there will be a camp in Crimea in June and August. As for Spain, there is only one turn there from 16 to 28 July 2017. Cost per child – 890 eur. The cost per adult must be specified – it depends on the category of the room that you choose, whether you will live with a child or alone, the view from the windows and other points affect the price. It is better to check this directly when booking.

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  16. Elena

    Good day. Are there any excursions included in the price of the camp in Spain? If so, which ones?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Hello, Elena! Always the program of our Sport Planet football Camps includes an entertainment: this year will be PortAventura amusement park, visit to Camp Nou stadium, aquapark. These are the main ones. Other entertainments will include local workshops, factories and farms, which will be very interesting for the children.

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  17. Dmitry

    Good day! I didn’t find it on the website – is there visa support and what documents are needed from parents to accompany a 12-year-old child across the border? Or the trip to Spain accompanied by parents is required? I think.. we need to have the documents confirming the reservation and a letter probably stating that the child is flying as part of a group, no?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      We will prepare an invitation to the football camp Sport Planet. This will be the basis for obtaining a visa. You will need to prepare consent from both parents for the child to travel abroad, accompanied by our coach or on his own. It can be done by any notary. A child can travel alone, accompanied by our coach. No other documents are required to issue a visa.

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  18. Anna

    Hello! My name is Anya and I am 12 years old! My parents and I are looking for a football camp for the summer. We saw yours and I wanted to ask if it is possible for girls to come in your camp? And what dates the camp are? I have been playing football for 8 months. And how many girls do you have in your camp?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Support Service»

      Hello Anya,
      Both girls and boys are engaged in our camp. There are several camps in the announcements, so it would be best to familiarize yourself with them and the dates on the site: . Last year there was a team of 32 girls. They are also going to come this year.

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  19. Polina

    Good evening! How much costs adult accommodation without training?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Good afternoon, Polina!
      The adult package includes accommodation with FB, all the transfers in Barcelona where we will go with kids. The price in double room is – 1020 euro per person, in single room is 1220 euro.

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  20. Galina

    Good afternoon! Please tell me if a child of 7 years old he must be accompanied by parents. Is there an option to leave a child in your hotel and parents will be another hotel in the city center? Or we should stay with him every time?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Good day, you can leave the child with us, that case.

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  21. Polina

    Tell me please, if I will choose the package with training sessions only – what is included in it, 690 euro?

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Good afternoon, Polina,
      The package without accommodation includes training sessions twice a day, uniform, all the transfers in Barcelona, activities for children, lunches and snacks.

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  22. Valentina

    Good day, tell me please if you are planning football camp in Spain this year? I have a son 10 years old, he plays football since 5 years old.

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Dear Valentina,
      We are planning several camps in Spain. The level and experience of children is not so important. all the kids will divide to the different groups according to age, level, skills. Both kids are coming to the camp and newbie and trained. See announces on our website!

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  23. Viktor

    We booked the spanish camp in 2017. Made prepayment 6 month before the camp. The camp was cancelled (as they didn’t pick up the group). In a short time they found another football camp! .

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    • Andrey «Sport Planet Care Service»

      Thanks for comment, Viktor ! We done everything in accordance with agreement between us! We notified you 4 month before, refunded all money, suggested another camp!

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